Our products

Finally, we have here some products that will help you throughout this whole process of self-care and put littles stars back in your life. These are perfect for give your can give to friends and familly and to you bviously. Our little goodies are there to remind you that you are important and that it is okay to be sometime selfish.

*like the angel necklace that will guide you through your day
necklace in an angel box woman in classy dress








*We also have our treasure chest jewelry that will make you sparkle from miles away, and everybody will be blinded by your beauty.
book and jewelry








*With that we have our watch, Me-Time, that is crucial to make sure that you take time to take care of yourself and that you can keep checking your breathing exercises, that we talked about before.
beige watch woman with a rose








*and our duo of note book and pencil called the wish maker, tell them your wish and it will blossom !
note book anf pencil